The Facets Marquee.
Entrance to Facets videotheque.
The "House of Carradine": movies featuring John, David, Robert or Keith Carradine.
Mr. Submarine parking lot: where you park when you go to Facets.
I made the absurd trip from Hyde Park to Facets (Metra to Randolph, walk to the Randolph brown line El, take the El to Fullerton, walk seven blocks from the El stop to facets, then repeat everything in reverse--except I took a cab back from downtown rather than the Metra) to return five different versions of
Hamlet I checked out about a week ago to use in my Phil Perspectives class. If I didn't return them yesterday I would have been charged another $50, I think. I was hoping that after I returned the movies I could cross the street and get an ice cream from the Oberweis ice cream shop. But it has been turned into a Re/Max realtor, so I had to walk back to the El without any ice cream.