Friday, January 04, 2008

Jefferson Memorial on Xmas Eve, 3am

Photo by Melody.

For a long time, I've wanted to visit the Jefferson Memorial late at night when no one is around. Driving home on Xmas Eve at 3am seemed like an ideal time. No one was around, except for a security guard who appeared out of nowhere and started writing me a ticket. That meant I had to abandon the plan for some reflective time in the memorial and sprint back to the car.

1 comment:

Villain Nova said...

It's Tim Phillips. Would you take me to the Jefferson Memorial (maybe in the evening) sometime next week, when I'm in Washington DC? I'm arriving on Sunday afternoon, leaving the following Friday. I'll be working in the days, but there should be plenty of free time.

I tried e-mailing you last week, but might have had the wrong address.
